Sunday, July 3, 2011

A 4th of July First

Outside of doing my FavorCakes, I don't really consider myself "crafty" in other areas. I don't sew, I don't really cook or bake, I'm not very good at decorating around my house. Okay, maybe that's not so much craftiness as it is domestic skills. Good thing my husband loves me the way I am :-)

When it comes to major holidays, I usually leave the baking and decor to my mother. She's good at it and she enjoys doing it so why rock the boat. Well, this year my family and I were invited to a little Independence Day shindig and everyone was asked to bring something to share. I don't know what came over me but I had the urge to bring something homemade, easy to make, but still homemade.

I did a little searching online and found two easy recipes, one for Pretzel Sparklers on and another for 4th of July Marshmallow Pops on With partial help from my five year old, VOILA!, this was the end result. 

The 4th of July tags were also courtesy of and the cups, baskets, and fillers were from my local Dollar Tree.

Hope you have a Fabulous 4th of July!


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