Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Welcome to the Terrific Two’s

My youngest daughter just turned two and we celebrated this past weekend with a family party. The theme was Barney and as I ranted in my previous post I was determined to go the subtle route on Barney decorations and colors. I gotta tell you though, two years ago I knew nothing about dessert tables, candy buffets, cake pops or anything on a stick...
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Where the Hell is Barney?

I'm in the midst of planning a birthday party for my youngest daughter who's turning two. She's totally in love with Barney the Dinosaur so picking a theme was a no brainer however finding Barney stuff has not been so easy. Let me rephrase that, finding Barney stuff that won't look like a leprechaun puked up rainbow in my house hasn't been so easy. For...
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Friday, July 8, 2011

A Neighborly Treat

This week I was feeling a bit neighborly so I  decided to make Spiced Tropical Tea Coolers to share with my next door neighbors. The recipe is from an old Pampered Chef cookbook I had lying around. It's easy to make and a nice alternative to ice tea on a  hot Summer day. I typed up the recipe and glued it inside of a colorful notecard so...
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Sunday, July 3, 2011

A 4th of July First

Outside of doing my FavorCakes, I don't really consider myself "crafty" in other areas. I don't sew, I don't really cook or bake, I'm not very good at decorating around my house. Okay, maybe that's not so much craftiness as it is domestic skills. Good thing my husband loves me the way I am :-) When it comes to major holidays, I usually leave the baking...
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Valentines FavorCake Winner

Good Morning! Thank you to everyone who commented on the Valentines FavorCake Giveaway.  I really enjoyed reading all your comments, heartfelt and funny. It really proves that Valentines is not always about the gift but about creating memories. Now on to our winner. I used to pick a comment number and a big congratulations to pinky1904. You will receive a handmade Valentines FavorCake with 12 boxes filled with candy. I hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday and a Happy Valentines...
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh the Funk!

So for the past week or so I have been in a funk. I think it's the stay at home mom blues. You might know how that song goes: wake up everyday to the routine of cooking, cleaning, nursing, feeding, wiping noses, wiping bottoms, running errands, running the kids around, more cooking and cleaning, getting the kids to bed, finishing up any work once the kids are sleep, and finally going to bed yourself so you can do it again tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade in being at home with my girls...
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Friday, January 14, 2011

Share the Love: Valentines FavorCake Giveaway.

I hope everyone is having a great start to 2011.  Valentines Day is a month away and one of the running jokes between my husband and I is our very first Valentines together before we were married. My husband, then boyfriend, took me to the experimental theater to see a play about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Yeah. Screams romantic, right?...
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Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Dishes Can Wait, Right?

Yesterday, after picking up my oldest daughter from dance class, my one year old was pretty tired by the time we got home. I was able to effortlessly lay her down for a nap in her crib (that's a big deal in my house). Soon after, my mind was swarming with things I could accomplish while she was sleep. I could do the dishes maybe get a load of laundry...
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Learning to Embrace the "B" Word . . . Balance!

This past Monday was the first time I've finished a new cake creation since November. At that point two months ago I was on the verge of burn out. I knew I needed to step back and take a breather and that's exactly what I did. I completed my last custom orders, put my Etsy shop on vacation and closed the door to my craft room. I couldn't have imagined...
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Fast Food Fast for the NON-Cook

So a new year has begun and I refuse to utter those three words. You know those words that describe what you plan on losing, quitting, giving up, taking up, not spending, saving, doing, or not doing. Yeah, those things that statistics show many of us only stick to for about a week or two at most. I do however have a plan for me and my family...
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Cake Illustration Copyrighted to Clarice