Monday, December 28, 2009

A Reflection of 2009

When I think back to the beginning of 2009 I'm amazed at how much can change over 365 days. Back in January, I was getting through the first trimester of my second pregnancy praying for the morning sickness to be over, getting adjusted to our new house and to becoming a SAHM again.I didn't know what a favor cake was, I'd never even heard of Etsy, and I certainly didn't know what plans my Creator had in store for me this year.

Well by mid year, my second daughter and some sort of crafting obsession I couldn't quite explain entered into my life. Of course, I welcomed them both with open arms and have been nurturing them both every since. I've become very accustomed to a schedule of 3am and 5am feedings followed by working on my FavorCakes.

I've learned a lot along the way like how to open my own Etsy shop and I've made a few discoveries such as you can never really own too much ribbon ;-) There's still a lot of questions I have like just how much should I be charging for my FavorCakes and why some people feel the need to tell you they will purchase your product and then don't (Grrrr!) but I know I'll find my answers in due time.

All in all, I have been very blessed in 2009. I have some new ideas and goals for FavorCakes in 2010 and can't wait to see where the new year takes me.

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Years!


JaelCustomDesigns on December 28, 2009 at 4:31 PM said...

Jen from Jael Custom Designs popping in from UWIB! Great Post!
Look at how far you've come and who know's where you'll be this time next year!
Wishing you a happy & prosperous New Year!

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Cake Illustration Copyrighted to Clarice